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He Gave Into The Maggots That Ate Through His Wound And Lost All Zest For Life

*Some images may be upsetting to readers, discretion is advised. But we promise this story ends happily, writes ilovemydogsomuch

One of our favorite rescue groups is back in action– attempting to save the lives of animals many wouldn’t even bother with. Even rescuers and veterinarians would immediately put these animals down. But no, not Animal Aid. They first try and get them well, without letting them suffer, and then they go from there. They strongly believe every life is worth that effort. Just like this dog…

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The poor baby was lying on the dirty ground totally helpless, curled up and in pain. He had a large wound that was infested with maggots. The rescuers aren’t sure who tried to help the dog but someone did because he had the powder in the wound that helps to kill the maggots. But that person wasn’t to be found.


His pain was literally breaking him down. He had no desire to fight anymore. He didn’t even move. So the rescuers picked him up and brought him back to the Animal Aid sanctuary. They put more powder in the wound to kill the maggots and made sure he got pain meds so he could sleep.

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The next morning the team did a thorough medical exam. He was such a good boy! He laid perfectly still so the medical team could treat his wound. It was pretty gruesome to look at but the wound had to be carefully peeled away so all the infected tissue could be cut out.

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Once they bandaged the dog up and gave him more pain meds, his sweetness began to show even more. He was finally comfortable and ready to get some cuddles and a good meal!

In just a few days, the dog made such a dramatic improvement that he shocked his caregivers. He also couldn’t stop smiling. He wasn’t used to so much love and attention (and all the food and water he needs). He literally smiles through all of his treatments now.

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After a full month at the facility, this pup is all smiles. Meet the adorable, kissable, bravest dog ever! He has a new name too! Teddy!

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This incredible story is yet another reminder that every life is worth saving.

The good news is: Many adopters are interested in Teddy so he will find his forever home in no time! Let’s all say hooray for Teddy. And send prayers for all the other animals who need saving too!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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