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Cat Shot With An Arrow & Dumped Alive, Screams In Pain As He Breathes His Last

Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA) found a disturbing surveillance video of animal cruelty in West Philadelphia, writeds ilovemydogsomuch

The video shows a man using a shovel to dump an assaulted cat into a trash bin. The cat had a sturdy arrow lodged in his body.

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Volunteers arrived on the spot and found that the cat’s situation was critical because of the arrow that crushed his organs. They rushed him to the PSPCA’s Erie Avenue headquarters for emergency aid. However, the cat didn’t survive the trauma and died on the way to the hospital.


Investigators later tracked down the cat’s owners, who were devastated on hearing the news. Apparently, the playful cat had left his home block the previous evening. The owners never expected their harmless baby to be abused in such a heinous manner.

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Unfortunately, the surveillance footage doesn’t show the face of the culprit clearly. The officers have requested the public to come forward if they have any information. Any tips and leads can be relayed to authorities at 866-601-7722. Let’s spread the word till this barbaric culprit is caught and brought to justice.

Click the video below to watch the footage of the monstrous man dumping the still-breathing cat in a trashcan.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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