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She Was Dying. But She Had a Secret that SAVED Her Life.

This dying dog was rescued from a shelter, but she was in such poor condition that she had to be rushed to a veterinary hospital. There, they found that Ellie had diabetes, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Without proper treatment, there was no hope for her.

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But then, the pup’s health began to improve, and they soon found out why. Ellie had a very special reason to live. She had a son! The kind folk at No Kill Kern rescued Buster from the shelter and reunited him with his mom. Even though she’s only skin and bones when she first meets her son for the first time, you can see how happy Ellie is at seeing him, and Buster’s tail just won’t stop wagging!


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It just goes to show that a dog’s love knows no bounds.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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