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No one fed him, loved him or cared- His feeble body tossed onto a sidewalk in Harlem

No one wants to be reminded that such horrors go on, but sadly they do, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A puppy, named Damon, was found lying helpless on the streets in Harlem, New York. The dog had been dumped by a monster. He was severely neglected, starved and abused. A Good Samaritan picked him up and took him to the emergency vet to try to save him. It was then that Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped in to offer their help too.

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To say he was skin and bones is a vast understatement. He was so emaciated and starved that his blood pressure and temperature barely registered. He weighed only 20 lbs. The puppy who barely had a chance to live, was surely dying. Still, the medical staff, in their hearts, believed he had a chance so they administered IV fluids and nutrition to try to save him. They also gave him lots of love and affection, as he laid there and cried.


Miraculously, in just a few days, Damon was able to stand. He struggled and fell over and over again, but the sweet dog never gave up. He looked like a bag of bones but his rescuers saw beyond that and continued to fight alongside with him. Damon is so brave.

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Damon was finally cleared to go to his foster home. This day, pictured below, was an exceptional one. This was the day he got up and stood all on his own and walked over to his foster mom. WHAT A MIRACLE!

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His foster mom worked with Damon to strengthen his muscles by using hydrotherapy. It’s a gentle way to work his body without putting too much stress on him. He loved every minute of it! What a trooper!

Damon continued putting on weight AND making friends. He grew more confident too. Look at the difference!

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He made friends with the other dogs in the house and finally had the energy to participate in playtime. YAY!

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Damon is a VERY HAPPY BOY! He has a family who loves him and he is truly cherished. Because Rescue Dogs Rock didn’t give up, nor did Damon, he’s come so far and is doing so well. We are thrilled for both Damon, the rescue group and his new family.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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