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Cars Whizzed Passed His Mangled Body As He Tried To Drag Himself Away

While this animal lover drove down the road, he saw a tragic sight, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A dog that had been struck by a car, dragged his beaten body to try and get out of the road. His legs were completely paralyzed. No one knows for sure how long he had been there struggling or how many other cars just drove on by and did nothing. What mattered now, however, was that he was going to get the help he needed.

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As the rescuer got closer, he could see that the dog had been through a lot prior to the accident. The dog was riddled with fleas. He also had older wounds. His ribs showed and it was obvious that he had been on the streets for too long.


The rescuer had to get him into his car to take him for medical care. As he touched the dog to try to pick him up, the poor pup screamed in agony. It broke the man’s heart but he knew he had no choice. He had to move him.

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At the vet, they cleaned the dog up. Next, they sedated him so they could remove the dead tissue from his wounds. This would lessen his chance of infection. Both legs were badly broken. It was unknown if he’d ever be able to use them again but they were set in casts so the bones would heal as best as they could.

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Once this precious dog is stronger, he will start physical therapy. The road to recovery will be a long one but every volunteer who meets the little dog-warrior falls in love with him. He has a strong spirit and wants to live a long happy life.

The rescue group will spare nothing. They will continue to do all they can to help this precious dog. Click play on the video below to see his rescue.

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Some images in the video may be disturbing, especially to young children. Discretion is advised.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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