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Woman Places Rosary Around Fading Newborn’s Neck And Prays For God’s Mercy

A police officer found a tiny newborn puppy that was abandoned on the street, writes ilovemydogsomuch

In the impoverished village, there is no animal clinic. They’d have to drive hours away to get to a vet and this baby didn’t have time for that. He was clinging to life with all he had.

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The officer brought him to a woman who knows a lot about animal rescue. She has trained herself to help animals in need. When he hands the tiny puppy over to her, she is heartbroken by his condition. He’s covered in parasites. He’s underweight and scared. He cries and cries, wanting his mama but he was taken from her. No one could understand how anyone could be this cruel. The woman’s son names the puppy Minino.

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Minino is treated carefully. He cries out in pain but the kind woman does all she can to make him comfortable. She must treat as much as she can topically due to his age and weight. She cleans him and uses topical meds to rid him of the parasites. She then feeds him from a syringe until he calms and sleeps.

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By the next day, Minino is much stronger. He takes puppy formula eagerly from a bottle. His big appetite is an excellent sign. He even moves around more which shows that he has more energy. Now that the parasites that were draining him of blood are gone, he will regain even more strength.

Minino’s caretaker already loves him. She knows he needs protection so she does the most amazing thing: she takes her favorite rosary from around her neck and places it on Minino. She then prays over him. She believes that with God’s help, this puppy will recover completely and live a wonderful life.

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And thankfully, her prayers have worked! Five days later, Minino is sitting up. His eyes look healthy and alert. He’s also put on weight. He still has a way to go with some minor injuries which are carefully being treated, but his progress is a huge step in the right direction.

The little one gets his first warm bath and he loves it. The woman’s son helps too. They watch over Minino all day long. Due to his age, that is what he needs. It takes a lot of dedication but he deserves it. While he’s still so little and has a lot of growing to do, his caretaker is confident that he’ll make a full recovery and find his forever home soon.

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We are so grateful for this baby’s miraculous rescue. Thank you to the kind police officer, the amazing woman, and her son, for saving Minino’s life.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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