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Thug Stabs Dog 50 Times And Pours Acid In His Eyes, Dog Heals But His Soul Dies

A rescue group named “Compassion Animaux Bretagne” specializes in abused and vulnerable dogs and cats, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The volunteers recently rescued Merlin, a 4-year-old mini Whippet-Jack Russell mix from Brittany, who was severely assaulted, stabbed 50 times, and attacked with acid by his abuser.

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Merlin was in pretty bad shape when he was first brought in. His eyes, nose, ears and testicles were burnt from acid exposure, while his ears and tail were badly damaged after the abuser tried to chop them off. Merlin’s caretakers held on to hope and gave him the best medical aid available. Soon, Merlin’s survivor spirit shone through and he responded to the treatments.

After months of rigorous recovery, Merlin was finally out of danger. However, Merlin has permanent scars on his body and soul, which developed into extreme anxiety and mistrust of humans. Even so, a 53-year-old British woman named Kim Wise decided to adopt Merlin and help him heal from this trauma.

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Merlin is settling well in his new home. He has a doggie sibling, 9 cat siblings and 7 farm horses who have welcomed him with a warm heart. With Kim’s gentle love and the company of protective animal siblings, Merlin is slowly coming out of his shell.

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However, Kim noticed that Merlin would have a panic attack every time her 23-year-old son was near. This gave her an idea that the poor dog’s abuser must also be a young man. Kim hopes that this bit of information will help the authorities track the abuser who is shamelessly still running free. Do contact the authorities if you have any information on this twisted monster. Spread the word.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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