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They Buried Their Dog After He Was Hit By A Car – The Next Morning, He Was At Their Door

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Taking an animal into your home can be a wonderful, life-changing experience. There will always come a tragic day, though, when that animal leaves to cross the rainbow bridge as quickly as they appeared, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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It’s a difficult thing to endure, especially for parents who need to explain what happened to their children.

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When a man named Glenn Maloney told his family their precious dog Mugsy had died, he was not expecting what happened less than 24 hours later.


Glenn was out in the yard around 3 p.m. in the afternoon when he heard cries and yelping from down the lane. It sounded like Mugsy had been hit by a car.

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He ran to the dog’s side, only to find him covered in blood and barely crawling. Glenn scooped the injured dog up and began running for the house. Before he reached the front door, though, he realized Mugsy wasn’t moving and didn’t have a pulse.

Glenn and his girlfriend Viola Tiszl had young children, so Glenn stayed outside. He didn’t want them to see Mugsy’s lifeless body.

He quickly buried him in the yard, then went in the house. Glenn didn’t have the nerve to tell the children about what happened until hours later, around 7 p.m.

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After realizing that Mugsy had passed away, Viola and the kids went outside to mourn and say their goodbyes to Mugsy. They gathered around his grave, cried, and said a prayer. Then, everyone went back inside.

Shockingly, at 5:30 a.m. the next morning, they heard a dog scratching at the door. It was Mugsy!

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Understandably, the parents were speechless (and a little bit frightened). Glenn was certain that Mugsy was the dog that got hit by a car and died. He even checked his tags the day before to make sure he was burying the right dog.

Once it was light out, the family checked the grave: it was freshly dug up. Mugsy had (literally) escaped death!

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“Mugsy was covered with dirt and his eyes were bloodshot,” Viola said in an interview. “Jack Russells are bred to burrow after foxes. I guess when he woke up in that hole, he just thought it was another old hole and he dug his way out, not knowing it was supposed to be his grave.”

The shocking news of Mugsy’s return from the dead spread fast; he even appeared on Oprah with his parents!

No one will ever know for sure, but it was thought that Mugsy never actually died. His vital signs must have slowed down to such a rate that he appeared lifeless.

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Veterinarians think that he then slept in his grave after the traumatic event. Upon waking, he simply dug out of his shallow grave and made his way back home.

It’s a miracle that Mugsy was all right and could be reunited with his loving family. Now, this is one dog that takes “playing dead” a little too seriously!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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