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She Allowed Them To Starve Till They Were Nothing But Skin And Bones

Adopting an animal means you’re making a lifelong commitment. You must provide adequate nutrition, medical care, and sufficient attention, at the least, writes ilovemydogsomuch

However, one woman couldn’t stop taking in animals and she didn’t just neglect them. She was an absolute monster.

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Now facing 7 felony counts of animal cruelty, the woman got away with a slap on the wrist considering she had abused hundreds of animals on her property. HUNDREDS were starved, kept in deplorable conditions and received no medical care.


She had nearly 300 animals in her possession. Mostly horses, but also rabbits and chickens. Can you imagine seeing animals that looked like this? Knowing they have endured such severe neglect for so long? How could she be such a monster?

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The rabbits were taken to the Oklahoma Rabbit Rescue where they are steadily gaining weight. The chickens are now on a free-range farm. The horses were taken to Blazes Tribute Equine Rescue where they will undergo extensive rehabilitation and will hopefully recover.

Two horses did die due to the abuse, but the rest are fighting to live. Please let this be a lesson that this kind of behavior could be going on around you. Pay attention. If something doesn’t seem right, make a call. If you see something, say something. Animals cannot advocate for themselves!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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