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Senior Dog Bolted After Fires Filled The Town – Mom Searched Frantically For A Year

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Last year, excessive pressure in natural gas lines caused a series of explosions and fires in as many as 40 homes, with over 80 individuals fires, in the Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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Sadly, one person was killed, and nearly 30,000 people were forced to evacuate their homes.


Altagracia Baldera, of North Andover, was one of those people who narrowly escaped her apartment, just after the fires and explosions broke out.

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Since she had to leave, she stayed at her sister’s home with her four dogs. One of her dogs named Virgo, a 14-year-old Pekingese-Shih Tzu mix, was very anxious and didn’t feel comfortable in the new unfamiliar environment.

When Baldera’s brother-in-law opened the front door one day, Virgo bolted right out.

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Balera frantically looked for Virgo, but he was nowhere in sight. She filed a missing dog report with the police and continued searching for him.

But weeks turned into months, and months turned into a year.

Now, more than a year later, Virgo has finally been found! Baldera was elated when she received a call that Virgo had been found, after kids in the neighborhood spotted him wandering the streets.

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“I never gave up hope,” Baldera told WCVB, crying, with Virgo in her lap. “Good things happen, after everything.”

Aside from being dirty and skinny, Virgo seemed to be unharmed.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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