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Puppy Abandoned In The Woods Forms A Bond And Makes A New Friend

Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary is home to the most adorably unique friendship you’ll ever see. Sri Ram the puppy and Bernie the cow met up because of their unfortunate pasts, and now they have each other, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Founder of the sanctuary, Juliana Castañeda, found four puppies abandoned and alone in the woods and rescued them.

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On the way to the U.S., Juliana managed to find forever homes for three of the four pups. Now only Sri Ram remained homeless.


The pup was moved to an area of the sanctuary where senior dogs were kept in hopes that he’d bond with one, but he befriended a cow instead!

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Bernie the cow was rescued from slaughter and brought to the sanctuary to live, and it was love at first sight for Sri Ram and Bernie.

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The fact that they were both so young probably helped. Sri Ram was five months old and Bernie only three months old. And they could sense that they both needed love.

Today, the two are inseparable. The pals do everything together from eating and playing to napping!

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They are different species with a huge size difference, but they don’t see it. They both most likely think that they are big dogs!

Sri Ram and Bernie don’t just keep to each other; they spend time with the older dogs and humans.

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The best part is that the two friends will never be separated but grow up together at the sanctuary.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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