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Man Starved & Chained His Dog For 10 Long Years And Someone Finally Called Rescuers

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Judas is one of the sweetest dogs you could find, but her owner is one twisted, evil man. Just to feel in control and powerful, he would constantly chain her up, urinate on her, and leave her without food or water for days. She sat numbly in the biting cold, without a blanket, toy or bone, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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For 10 years, the neighbors watched the man torture his poor pet, but they didn’t want to get into trouble for trespassing or stealing. Finally, someone mustered enough courage to inform Animal Advocates Society.


When rescuers arrived, they found her in the freezing mud, submissively laying in her own feces. She was emaciated, dehydrated and unable to walk. They bravely snatched her away from her owner’s clutches, but the owner escaped charges.

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After a health screening and some food, they shaved-off her dirty, waste-covered fur and gave her a warm bath. But more than food and shelter, the poor dog craved love and affection. The workers renamed her Judith and started looking for a forever home for her.

They were able to find a happy home for her with two people who loved her dearly. Feeling pure love and warmth in her new home, Judith is finally the happy dog that she deserves to be. We hope her ex-owner faces justice for his misdeeds!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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