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Her Owner Wouldn’t Touch Her Because She’s “Dirty & Yucky”. Dog She Kept Chained Up Outdoors

Some people just shouldn’t ever be allowed to have a pet. Too many times we’ve seen situations where a person gets a dog as a gift and then quickly becomes bored of it or someone doesn’t understand the work and care it takes to properly raise a pup, so they cage it up and forget about it, writes ilovemydogsomuch

As for the woman in the video below, what did she think would happen after chaining up her dog outside in the dirt and never taking care of her?

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The dog, Sarah, lived a life of solitary confinement as she was kept tied to a box outdoors and never touched by her human because she was too dirty and “yucky.” The chain was short giving her very little space to move about, and she had no interactions throughout the day. But everything would change for Sarah after being rescued.


Sarah’s owner had actually made the comment, “I think she wants me to touch her. But she’s yucky, and I don’t want to do that.”

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But the neglected dog would never feel alone again in her new life in her new forever home! The loving family would make sure to give her all of the love and attention needed and more.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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