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“Unwanted” Dog Brutally Thrown Out Of Speeding Car, Sustains Critical Injuries

Buddy is a sweet pooch with a very loving and kind nature. Even so, his owner wanted to get rid of him, writes ilovemydogsomuch

But instead of surrendering him to a shelter, his owner tossed him out of a moving car on a busy freeway. Buddy fell right in between speeding cars and ended up sustaining several critical injuries.

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Nobody helped Buddy for a while as he kept crying out for help. Finally, a kind passerby stopped and took him to a nearby hospital. Buddy was immediately transferred to the intensive care unit as his condition was quite grim. He was disoriented after losing a lot of blood, and the vets prayed for a miracle to save the poor dog’s life.


After being under observation for a few days, Buddy finally responded to the treatment! He was moved to the shelter for his complete recovery and rehabilitation. Buddy was healing considerably well and he enjoyed the company of his rescuers, but his heart ached every time he thought about his past trauma.

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As Buddy’s story went viral in the local community, a family came forward to adopt Buddy just 3 weeks after he came to the shelter! When Buddy entered his new home, he immediately left his past scars behind and fell in love with his new affectionate parents and siblings! We are so glad Buddy got his happy ending!

Click the video below to watch Buddy’s unbelievable recovery and his new life in his forever home!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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