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She Lost Her Energy To Hunt So Her Savage Master Broke Her Jaw And Left Her To Waste Away

Savage individuals live among us. They hide in plain sight. It is our job to bring their stories to the light so they do not get away with their crimes, writes dogfull

A beautiful hunting dog, named Baby, lost her drive to chase. This can happen for a number of reasons through no fault of her own. Instead of properly retiring her, her callous owner beat her instead. He kicked her so hard that he severely broke her jaw.

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This injury isn’t just painful. It has dire consequences. The monster who was responsible for her well being cast her out from her home as a derelict hunting dog. But now she wasn’t just a ‘failure’. Because he took his anger out on her, she could not fend for herself. Her injury made it impossible to eat. Baby began to starve.


Thankfully an organization, called He’Art of Rescue, found her just in time. She was malnourished, significantly underweight, and battling an infection in her jaw. The medical team immediately treated her infection and surgically fixed her jaw. LOOK AT HER NOW!

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Her appetite has obviously improved, she put on weight, and her spirits were elevated to where a dog’s spirits should be! As high as the clouds!

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Baby’s next step is to find a perfect forever home where she will never be mistreated again. We have total faith that her future is going to be flawless, she like she is!

Baby’s full story can be viewed in the video below.

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Source: dogfull.com

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