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She Laid Alone In A Field With A Broken Jaw After Receiving A Blow To The Head

Laika was found alone in a field, extremely emaciated and on the brink of death. She had received a terrible blow to the head and the impact sadly broke her right jaw, writes dogfull

Since then, Laika’s life had become a living nightmare. As days went on, a bone callous formed and ended up locking her jaw closed and pressing on her eye.

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This prevented her from being able to open her mouth, and she was only able to press her tongue out a little on one side of her mouth.


“With her jaw broken and locked closed, unable to eat or drink, and abandoned in the middle of nowhere, Laika had no hope of surviving on her own,” Viktor Larkhill wrote on Youtube.

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But thankfully she ended up in the right hands with Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers and vets, who refused to give up on her.

She underwent maxillofacial surgery, which was a reconstruction process that would allow her to open her mouth again.

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Looking at her today, you’d never know the awful things she’s gone through. She is happy and healthy and can now open her mouth like normal!

Laika is now living with a loving foster, but she’s still looking for a forever home. If you’re interested in adopting her, please contact Viktor Larkhill at v.larkhill@gmail.com.

Watch her rescue and transformation in the video below:

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Source: dogfull.com

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