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Rotten Owner Dumps Unwanted Litter Of Puppies In A Concealed Crate In A Forest

A family was driving along the Morgan Monroe State Forest on New Year’s Eve, when they noticed a bright blue sheet covering something in the middle of the woods. They stopped to investigate, but were worried that it could be hiding a potentially dangerous object, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The family cautiously lifted the cover with a stick to find a litter of 5 puppies lying frozen in a crate! The puppies were breathing, but were cold and lethargic due to prolonged suffocation. It seemed like the owners had cruelly separated the puppies from the mama dog. The family rescued the little ones and took them to the Morgan County Humane Society.

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The 5-week-old puppies are now recovering in a foster home, but the Humane Society workers are worried about the recent uptick in such cases of abandonment. This is the third time around the New Year week that the workers have rescued puppies abandoned in the forest.


The shelter has requested people to responsibly surrender their unwanted puppies, rather than leaving them out in a vulnerable position. If you have any information on the owner of the puppies, you can contact the Humane Society at 765-349-9177. Put the word out and help the authorities identify the depraved owners!

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Click the video below to watch a report on the abandoned puppies!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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