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Her Little Body Couldn’t Move, Vet Tries To Lift Her & She Screams In Agony

This tiny, innocent puppy sat in the middle of the road and cried, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She so badly injured that she couldn’t walk. Normally, a dog, even this young, would drag their legs or limp away. But she couldn’t move at all!

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Her mom waited and waited but her baby wouldn’t come to her. Her mom cried too. The mother’s pleas are heartbreaking. It’s as if she’s saying, “Please, someone help my baby!”


The baby’s cries were finally heard and the rescuers who would change her life, and mom’s life, came running. They pledged, as they took the baby into their hands, that they would take her pain away. It’s a promise they would not break!

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The instant they brought the little puppy to the sanctuary, they gave her pain medication through an injection. But first, the puppy let out her final yelps. The rescuers whispered soothing words to the baby.

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Upon examination, the medical team realized she didn’t have any fractures in her legs but her hip was badly sprained. This was the cause of all her pain. Poor baby! But she already knew she was in the right hands. Dogs are so smart!

In just two days, the sweet puppy was able to take her first labored steps. She favored one leg but compared to being immobile, she’s doing great! They gave her an appropriate name, Cuddles. Because she loves to cuddle everyone she meets! What a doll!

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You won’t believe how far this puppy has come! Look at Cuddles now! Not only can she walk– she can now run like the wind! Go fetch that ball, baby girl!

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Thank you to all her saviors! While there are so many street dogs in India and it’s overwhelming, these guys do all they can to help. They realize that each life is precious and worth saving!

To learn more about Cuddle’s, and Animal Aid Unlimited, click play on the video below!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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