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Someone Chained A Wild Horse’s Legs, He Expresses His Joy When He’s Finally Freed

Romania’s agriculture-based rural population still prefers to use horses and donkeys for transportation, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Horses are considered cheaper than vehicles, and this leads to the wild horses being constantly chained by landowners to be used for their needs.

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The video below features a vet from “Four Paws” named Ovidiu Rosu. He examines the condition of these shackled-up horses. The horses look depressed as the tight chains have formed deep cuts in their legs. The abused horses have also developed a weird “hop”, which is aggravated from being chained up.


Ovidiu is moved by the plight of the horses and decides to free them. He sedates the animals and then goes on to gently remove the chains and free the wounded hooves. The moment the horses are freed, they look so overwhelmed with relief!

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The sweet horses know that Ovidiu has walked in as their one true savior. One of the horses expressed his gratitude in the sweetest possible way. The horse nuzzles-up to his hero, and happily thanks him for the timely help. What an adorable horse!

Click the video below to watch the poor horse being freed after Ovidiu’s painstaking efforts!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch

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