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Homeless Dog With “Most Severe Burns” All Over Body Teeters Between Life & Death

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All alone and severely injured, a sweet Labrador Retriever mix lay on the side of the road in Denver, Colorado. Thankfully, someone helped the dog and took him to the Dumb Friends League to try and save his life. At first, rescuers thought the dog had been hit by a car. However, on closer inspection, the team realized the dog’s injuries were burns all over his body, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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“They were probably the most severe burns I’ve ever seen,” according to Judy, the Veterinary Services Team Lead.


They decided to help the dog, whom they named Robbie, and try to relieve his pain and start the process of recovery. At the time and due to the severity of his burns, his long-term survival was iffy at best. In addition to his burns from head to tail, Robbie was very thin. After months of treatment and tender loving care, Robbie made a complete recovery.

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The next step in his arduous journey would be finding Robbie a forever home with people who would treat him with love and care. A local family saw Robbie on the Dumb Friends League website and knew they wanted to adopt him. These days, Robbie has a happy life with his mom, dad, and two human brothers. He is happy, spunky, and proves how a rescue dog can become a champion of the heart.

To see Robbie in action, including his happy ending, press play on the video below.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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