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9-Week-Old Cocker With Long, Luscious Eyelashes Stops People In Their Tracks

Some dogs have long, luscious eyelashes, and 20-year-old Caitlin Baker is the owner of one of them, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Caitlin happens to be an eyelash technician who lives in the United Kingdom in Warwickshire. Unfortunately, Caitlin has been unable to work due to the COVID lockdowns. She still gets her fill of beautiful lashes to give her comfort during the pandemic, however.

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Mabel is Caitlin’s 9-week-old chocolate working Cocker Spaniel who happens to have the longest, dreamiest lashes around. Many people think Mabel resembles a Disney character due to her feminine, pretty lashes. One look at the darling puppy, and it’s easy to understand how her mom and many others have fallen in love with her. As of this writing, Mabel’s videos and photos have gone viral because she is just so alluring with her long lashes.


“Mabel’s eyelashes are natural,” Caitlin shared. “When we first saw her we fell in love with her and then noticed her lashes and instantly loved her even more.”

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According to Country Life, working Cocker Spaniels tend to be leaner and “tougher” than their show dog cousins, the field spaniel. Mabel happens to be a working Cocker, but we think with those looks she is going to melt a lot of hearts. Press play on the video below to see the gorgeous doggo for yourself.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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