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Vicious Man Ties Friendly Dog Up In Backyard & Castrates Him Without Anesthesia

There are some acts of abuse against animals that are so horrendous that I Love My Dog hopes by sharing the stories that people will act up, speak out, and help animals who otherwise would have no voice, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A 55-year-old man in Crete decided to tie his sweet dog up in his backyard. The dog appears to be wagging when all of a sudden, the man does something horrific.

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A brutal act of animal torture took place as the man castrated the dog without using anesthesia. The poor dog’s cries and shrieks of intense pain were heard by a nearby German national who looked over the fence and saw the dog bleeding and hanging by a rope. She rushed to the dog’s side and took him to an emergency hospital for animals, where he had surgery.


Despite the pain, torture, and abuse the animal had experienced, the veterinarian, Kostas Terezakis, said the dog never showed any signs of aggression. He also stated it was the first time in his career he ever saw such severe injuries on an animal. According to the Greece Greek Reporter, the suspect claimed he abused his dog because he “wanted to play with his toys.” The man also refused to pay for the medical care.

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The suspect has been fined and suspended from his job while the investigation occurs. As of this writing, the dog is on the mend and ready to be adopted. In recent days, Greece passed a law that makes serious animal abuse cases a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison. Greece’s agriculture minister, Makis Voridis, hopes the law will send a “strong message to society following two recent incidents that provoked outrage in the country.”

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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