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Homeless Puppy Who Can’t Stand Looks Back And Sees A Little Bit Of Hope

Animal Aid Unlimited was called upon to help a little stray puppy who couldn’t stand. The neighbor had been feeding and caring for the girl when possible, but now her leg was swollen and she had a wound on her head. She knew she needed help but didn’t know where to find it, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Thankfully, rescuers showed up to try and ease her mind as they transported her back to the animal hospital for a closer look. It was determined that her leg had been fractured, and she was scared and so unsure of everything. They gave the dog some pain meds to start.

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They then proceeded to put a splint on her leg and dress her wound, and then lots of rest was ordered. Her mood brightened a bit as the pain subsided, but that look of anxiety remained in her big puppy eyes. There was only one thing left for them to do, and just wait until you see Suzie now!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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