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Falcon Lands On Dog’s Back And Starts Attacking Him, Stalks The Dog For Hours

A family recently had an unsettling encounter with a falcon when they let their Labrador, Doug, out to play in the yard of their home in Elk Grove. Doug was completely caught off guard when the falcon flew in out of nowhere and landed on his back, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The entire family as horrified as the falcon latched onto Doug’s collar and began attacking him.

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Doug, who is a gentle and mild-mannered pooch, had no idea how to deal with the aggressive bird. He growled and yelped in pain and the whole struggle looked like a powerful dogfight. Mom Erika and her daughter, Penelope, panicked at the brutal sight.


But soon, Erika’s husband stepped in and smacked the falcon off with a piece of clothing. While the family was able to save Doug, the bird was determined to keep preying on the dog. For the next few hours, the family was terrified as the falcon stalked them through the screen door, before finally flying away.

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Later, the family called wildlife rescuer Ben Nuckolls to look into the situation. As it turns out, this is Ben’s second falcon distress call in a single week. Earlier, an Auburn neighborhood had reported the gruesome killing of farm chickens by a separate falcon, which was ultimately captured by Ben. However, the bloodthirsty falcon that attacked Doug is still on the loose and it’s a worrying matter for the whole community.

The authorities believe that the falcons from both the incidents are GPS-locked birds trained for hunting or racing, who somehow escaped their handlers. This is the reason why the second falcon was not scared of Doug’s size and dueled with him like an equal. Until the loose falcon is captured, the locals have been asked to stay vigilant while leaving their pets or kids outdoors. Spread the word.

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Click the video below to watch a report on the alarming attacks caused by the highly trained hunting falcons.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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