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Donkey In Hammock Demands His Humans Sway Him Back & Forth Till He Falls Asleep

Leo is a young donkey who lives with his doting family in Goiânia, Brazil. But for all general purposes, he really has the soul of a dog! He wags his tail whenever he is happy and loves getting petted by the kids. However, it’s his devout fascination for the hammock that makes him so, so special, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Every afternoon, Leo religiously needs to be helped into the hammock for his cozy nap time. He endearingly curls up on the “swinging couch” and demands his human siblings to sway him back and forth till he falls asleep. What a precious darling!

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In the video below, we see Leo relaxing blissfully as his sister gently swings him on the hammock. His eyes gradually get drowsy as he gratefully gazes at his humans with a lazy smile on his face. The way those adorably innocent eyes flutter away when he gets some belly rubs is priceless! What a goofy little charmer!

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Thanks to the hammock, Leo looks forward to every day like a fun adventure. We can tell that he is an absolutely cherished creature who is living the best life with his beloved family. Donkeys have obediently toiled away for humans for generations, and we’re glad they are finally getting pampered like they deserve!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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