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Spirited Baby Elephant Riddled With Bullets Struggles To Remain Unbreakable

Luggard the African elephant may still be young, but he’s already endured more pain in his three years of life than most do in a lifetime, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He has scars to show for it and walks with a limp, but this strong elephant has an unbreakable spirit and doesn’t let his past define him.

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He resides at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s Nairobi Nursery in Kenya, where he gets support from his caretakers and the 17 other young elephants he lives with.

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When Luggard was rescued, he had a swollen and broken leg.

He was first sighted by a DSWT Pilot in March 2016, while on an anti-poaching patrol over Tsavo East National Park.

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Rescuers soon realized that he had been shot in the knee and foot by an evil person. The bullet went through one side of his leg and out the other, shattering his whole knee.

Luggard is a very gentle elephant and definitely knows his limits due to his injury. When the other elephants walk deep in the forest, Luggard prefers to stay behind. But they always make sure that a caretaker stays with him to make sure he is safe.

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While Luggard receives a lot of care now, his caretakers remain hopeful and believe that one day he’ll grow to live freely in a forest meant to reintegrate orphaned elephants into the wild.

“He may have a gentle spirit, but he also has a strong determination to live a full, happy life,” one of his caretakers said in the video.

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Watch the video below to learn more about Luggard’s story:

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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