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Lost Elephant Calf Stumbles Back To His Herd, Gets A Grand Trumpeting Welcome

A tourist was enjoying a safari in Tanzania, Africa, when he observed something extraordinary unfolding right before his eyes. He quickly grabbed his camera to capture this heartwarming moment for the rest of the world, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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In this video, we see the touching behavior of an elephant herd after one of their young calves goes missing. Soon, the lost baby elephant is spotted in a far-off field amidst a deer family. The moment the separated baby spots his herd from afar, his face beams with relief and he desperately starts racing toward his beloved family.

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The rest of the herd huddles up together as they anxiously wait for the baby elephant to re-enter their territory safely. The excited little one turns out to be quite a clumsy kid, as he hilariously stumbles and falls face-first on his way home. Those tense few moments leading up to the fantastic reunion at the end definitely had our hearts beating wildly!

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Being social beings, young elephants often find it hard to survive alone in the wild. This video beautifully captures the strong family bonds prevalent in elephant herds, which greatly resembles our own social structure. Do watch this video with your volumes up to make sure you don’t miss all the happy trumpeting from this glorious reunion!

Click the video below to watch the doting elephant herd giving the lost calf a grand welcome after he finds his way back home!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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