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Elephant Falls Into 55Ft Deep Well, Rescuers Face Toughest Rescue Of Their Lives

A farmer was working in a remote village in India when he heard the heart wrenching shrieks of an animal in the vicinity, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The farmer followed the sounds, and was startled to see an elephant fallen in a 55ft-deep well. The well was hidden away in the bushes and had no fence or cover, so it was quite obvious that the hapless creature had unwittingly slipped through while passing by and fallen in.

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The farmer alerted the authorities and began caring for the elephant in the meantime. He threw down some banana leaves to feed the starving elephant, but the poor beast was only getting more distressed every passing hour.


When the authorities arrived at the scene, they quickly assembled a team of 50 members to attempt an incredibly difficult rescue. Using a crane and belts, the rescuers tried to make a passage to get to the elephant. But after hours of efforts, they began losing daylight. Eventually, the authorities decided to sedate the agitated elephant to enable a timely rescue.

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After 14 hours of non-stop endeavor from morning till midnight, the rescue team was finally able to hoist the elephant up to the surface. By then, a massive crowd had gathered to witness the extraordinary rescue. The emotional onlookers broke into loud cheers when the elephant was lifted up to safer grounds!

The elephant, a 25-year-old wild male, was thankfully unharmed during the entire ordeal. He underwent a health inspection and was later released into the nearby forest expanse. This was one of the most harrowing rescue operations we’ve ever seen! But all’s well that ends well!

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Click the video below to watch how the elephant was hauled out of the well after an arduous 14-hour-long operation.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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