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Dog Who Was Hit By Car Now Too ‘Gross’ For Family, And They Don’t Want Her Back

Sidewalk Specials out of Cape Town, South Africa, set out to rescue a dog who was hit by a car and then rejected by her own family. The family said she was now too “gross” and that she scared the children. They could no longer keep her around, and the poor dog was so confused with nowhere to go, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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How incredibly sad. I can’t believe anyone could just give up on their dog so easily and abandon it forever. Squirrel would just sit around crying and crying. She wanted a new forever home and loving family more than anything in the world.

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And 128 home offers later, her dream would come true! Her new family renamed her Squash, and she got a little brother and best friend for life named Seb. They go to the park and do everything together! Take a look at Squash living it up today.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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