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Dog Keeps Barking And “Provoking” Elephant, So Elephant Starts Chasing The Dog

The Elephant Nature Park in Thailand is a vast sanctuary dedicated to caring for orphaned or formerly abused and neglected elephants, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When the sanctuary workers took in a helpless baby elephant named Yindee, they expected her to be meek and generally scared of the new environment. However, little Yindee turned out to be a total surprise character!

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In this video, we see Yindee’s first encounter with the sanctuary’s goofy dog. It initially seems like the dog is out to bite the baby elephant, but he simply coaxes her to play with him! Aww! While Yindee feels lonely in the company of the more mature adult elephants, it barely takes a second for her to fit right in with the dog! The duo instantly hits it off and initiates the funniest game of chase despite their jarring size difference!


The spectators stare in amusement as Yindee follows the dog across the field like a star-struck little puppy. It’s even more hilarious to see the super calm adult elephant herd nonchalantly watching the young calf frolicking around with the dog, without a care in the world. What a sight! We could watch them play all day!

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Elephants are complex beings known for their intelligence and altruism, and this video is proof of their inherent sense of acceptance toward every creature. Keep your volumes high to make sure you don’t miss Yindee’s heart-melting baby trumpeting sounds. This is undeniably one of the purest forms of love and innocence!

Click the video below to watch Yindee having a blast with her new doggie best friend!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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