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Military Dog Runs Through Hail Of Bullets, Takes Down Gunman Attacking His Team

Kuno the 3-year-old British military dog never wavered for a second when his team was brutally cornered by a group of Al Qaeda insurgents in Afghanistan, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The fearless Belgian Shepherd Malinois raced past grenade attacks and non-stop gunfire to protect the soldiers during a compound raid. He leaped at the aggressive gunman and tackled him down relentlessly, giving his team the window of time to neutralize the enemy.

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By the time this devastating battle was over, the soldiers’ hearts sank as they realized Kuno had sustained several gunshot wounds. While he had single-handedly altered the outcome of the raid, his wounds seemed potentially fatal. The camp medic roughly patched up Kuno’s injuries, and arranged for his transfer to the US Army Veterinary Treatment Facility in Afghanistan.


For the next few weeks, Kuno kept fighting for his life while his beloved soldiers and caretakers begged him to hold on. Eventually, the brave pooch was able to survive the ordeal, but not without tragically losing both his hind legs in multiple life-saving amputation surgeries.

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Once Kuno was fit to travel, he was transported back to the UK for an intense rehabilitation program. With rigorous physical therapy and a fierce drive to thrive, Kuno was able to regenerate his navigation skills. He ultimately became the first UK military working dog to receive a revolutionary lightweight set of prosthetic aids!

Kuno has recently been retired from military service in the most fitting manner – he was awarded with the prestigious PDSA Dickin Medal, the country’s highest honor for animals and an equivalent of the Victoria Cross! This furry veteran has completed over 16 missions during his tenure, and saved countless lives. Kuno perfectly embodies the qualities of courage, loyalty, determination and self-sacrifice, and that elevates him into one powerful hero!

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Click the video below to watch Kuno’s touching journey as the hero who put his life on line to save his team.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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