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Godly Man Held Her Face & Cried With Her After She Was Hit And Driver Took Off

An innocent stray was roaming about when a bike rammed into her, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The man on the bike then rode off leaving the injured dog to fend for herself. This is a sad reality for too many homeless animals. They cannot care for themselves and need compassion! Thankfully, someone saw the dog and called Animal Aid for help.

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The kind man who found the dog was near tears when Animal Aid rescuers arrived. He was heartbroken to know that this innocent animal was in so much pain. The rescuers tried to stand the dog up but it was useless. Her legs were injured and she couldn’t support her own weight.


It was time to take the dog to the Animal Aid sanctuary and have her properly evaluated. The medical team could see that the dog was withdrawn. She looked so sad and it was obvious she was in pain. They did not hesitate and gave her an injection to alleviate her suffering. They could then examine her thoroughly without causing more harm.

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The vet and his assistant concluded that her legs were not fractured but feared she may have a head injury and that is why she couldn’t stand. They tried to get her to stand again but she was unbalanced. The dog was then brought to another volunteer who tried to feed her. She wasn’t interested in eating but loved all the affection. Now it was time for this sweet girl to rest!

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The following day, she had a much better appetite! She happily lapped up some formula. The vet recommended she partake in physical therapy. Her legs likely had extensive nerve damage and this would help her a great deal. Despite being in a new place and being injured, the beautiful dog was so sweet and so patient.

Even after two weeks, the dog, now named Kali, still had challenges. But no one was giving up on her! That’s what’s so incredible about Animal Aid. Every animal they rescue can stay at the sanctuary permanently, whether they recover or not. Even if they don’t find a new home! Kali is in good hands, for sure.

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Kali continues to inspire others around her, even the four-legged kind. Her spirit and motivation are unlike any other! Wait until you see Kali now. We won’t spoil it for you. Her rescue and recovery will amaze you. Thank you, Animal Aid! We can’t imagine what these animals would do without this wonderful organization. To see Kali in her true glory, scroll on down!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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