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16-Year-Old Repeatedly Stabs And Hacks Dog’s Head And Face With A Rusty Machete

The officers at West Midlands Police were dispatched to a neighborhood in Handsworth, Birmingham, to respond to a disturbance call, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Apparently, a suspicious group of people holding torches had broken into a few allotments in the area. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when the department’s police dog, Stark, went after one of the suspects.

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The suspect, a 16-year-old, panicked at the sight of Stark, and immediately began wielding his machete at the defensive K9. He brutally butchered Stark’s head with the massive rusty blade about 20 times, but the fearless pooch still managed to bite his attacker’s leg. The officers eventually grabbed the attacker and detained him, while a bleeding Stark was rushed to the hospital.


Stark, a German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix, was prepped up for emergency surgery for his multiple facial wounds and head trauma. It was initially feared that he would lose an eye, but the vet and their team were able to salvage his body impressively. Stark’s handler, PC Paul Hopley, then took his faithful buddy home and nursed him back to health within the next 3 weeks!

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The officers are thrilled at Stark’s speedy recovery despite his terrifying injuries. The diligent furry officer has already started training with his team to get back in the groove before he resumes his duties. Thankfully, he will not suffer any long-term repercussions of the nasty attack.

Stark’s attacker, who won’t be named as he’s a minor, was later arrested and brought to juvenile court. He pleaded guilty to possessing a bladed weapon and causing unnecessary suffering to a service animal. Cops are still looking for the rest of the gang members involved in the incident, who are all suspected to be burglars.

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Click the video below to watch Stark resuming his attack-training after making a speedy recovery.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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