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Owner Drags Tethered Dog Behind Truck Before Cutting Her Loose & Speeding Away

Amy Fabri, director at Low County Lab Rescue in Kershaw County, South Carolina, sees a lot of dog abuse cases. A recent case, however, has her so upset she’s called it, “without a doubt one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen of animal abuse.”, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Witnesses in the area say they were driving behind a truck when they noticed something strange.

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“Said it looked like a black trash bag that was tied to a rope sailing behind the vehicle and when she got closer she realized it was in fact an animal,” according to Fabri.


People honked for the truck to pill over, which he did. Witnesses report the driver cut a rope off his vehicle which had a dog on the other end. He got into his vehicle and sped away.

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The dog, a black Labrador named Onyx, was bleeding, the underside of her skin was missing, and the tops of all four feet showed exposed tendon and bone.

The suspect in the case, apparently told police he drove away to get medical supplies to help the dog. The dog was transferred for urgent medical care. As of this writing, she is showing significant signs of improvement despite everything she’s gone through.

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Investigators are looking into the case to gather witnesses to determine if charges will be filed.

We wish Onyx a successful recovery and happy life ahead!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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