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His Empty Belly Ached, Farmhand Struck Him For Going Near Chickens

In many parts of the world, dogs are solely kept to protect livestock, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Sometimes, however, they’re not well-cared for and have no other choice but to seek food where ever they can. In this instance, a puppy, later named Bruno, was accused of attacking a farmer’s chickens. It’s likely if he did attack them, that he was very hungry. As you will see, Bruno is quite thin.

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Instead of scaring Bruno away, the farm watchman hit him on the head with a blunt object. In most cases, this would have killed him. But Bruno is a strong boy. He lay there, crying for help. Thankfully, rescuers came and took him home.


It’s late at night and the hospitals are closed but a vet agreed to come and see Bruno. He was pretty certain that his jaw is fractured but his skull is okay. He gave him medication for pain so he can sleep. Bruno will go to the hospital in the morning.

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The vet did lots of tests the next day. Things didn’t look good but the vet thinks that with time and the right course of treatment, Bruno will recover. Only time will tell.

Next, Bruno is placed in a foster home where he receives excellent care. He is eating well and gaining weight steadily. He also wags his tail when he’s happy– an excellent sign! The next step will be to reach out to rescue organizations in the states. His rescuers are hoping to place him there where it’s more likely he will find a forever home.

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The rescue group makes some calls and they get wonderful news! A family is already interested in adopting Bruno. The poor puppy who was beaten for just acting on instincts is now going to live a wonderful life.

Just look at how happy he is! He has wonderful parents who love him so much. He will never go hungry or be mistreated again! We are thrilled that Bruno is now living his best life.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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