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He Didn’t Want Deaf-Blind Pup At First, But Then He Fell In Love With Her

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Bitsy the blind and deaf Australian Shepherd was just 5 weeks old when she was adopted by Hayden Kristal. Bitsy’s sensory disabilities were caused by her double merle coat pattern, which meant she would require extra care growing up. Hayden’s father, Steve, wasn’t too thrilled with her decision to take in a pup who needs so much work, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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However, Steve’s worries disappeared the moment he met Bitsy! She was a happy-go-lucky dog who never let her setbacks slow her down. Over the next 5 years, she blossomed into an independent adventurer travelling alongside Hayden – while Steve enjoyed every second of his role as the doting grandpa to Bitsy!


When the pandemic lockdowns crippled the country, Hayden and Bitsy were forced to stay apart from Steve. That’s when Steve realized how much he missed Bitsy and her charming innocent ways. He was also nervous that the separation would make her forget all about her old granddad.

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Steve and Bitsy eventually reunited after going without seeing each other for a year. Steve’s fears turned out to be completely baseless, as Bitsy sensed his presence from afar and came running to embrace him! She sniffed all over him and smothered him with her love like an excited little kid. She clearly missed him just as much!

Steve and Hayden later shared the details of this reunion to show why special needs dogs deserve a chance to flourish. Once such dogs adapt with an understanding family, they have so much love to give, while their other evolved senses help them navigate the world with fabulous ease!

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Click the video below to watch the emotional reunion between Steve and Bitsy after spending one aching year apart!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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