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Saved From A Dog Meat Truck, She Spent Years Suffering At Overcrowded Shelter

Sadly, the dog meat trade is still very real in countries like China and South Korea. The dogs are crammed into tiny wire cages, without food, water or vet care, awaiting their awful fate of slaughter, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Some dogs are lucky enough to be saved, but even the ones who are saved still endure suffering.

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“Safe here is a relative term, Paws 4 Hope wrote. “There is safe from slaughter, safe from disease, and then there is safe from a lifetime of suffering neglect and starvation.”

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Although this dog, now named Hope, was saved from a dog meat truck in Harbin, China, and brought to a shelter, she still spent many years at the shelter without proper food or vet care.

The shelters in Harbin try to save as many dogs as they can from slaughter, but they can’t afford to care for all of the dogs they take in.

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Thankfully, Hope finally escaped life at the shelter thanks to HarbinSHS, a rescue in Harbin that dedicates its efforts to rescuing animals from the dog meat trade, along with local abuse, neglect and abandonment cases.

Hope was in bad shape and her little body was covered in mange, which caused her hair to fall out and her skin to become crusty and scabby.

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She is now receiving treatment at the rescue, and her skin will eventually heal back to normal.

She has come a long way from her days on that slaughter truck, but now she is safe and is finally getting the care she so desperately needed.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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