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Homeless Man Pleads With Shelter To Get His Dog A Forever Home Before He Dies

Being homeless is a challenging and devastating way to live. Every day, millions of people worldwide are homeless, and many times they have a dog by their side. Calling attention to the plight of homeless people and their pets, a man from Brownsville, Texas, is making headlines due to his story’s nature. Throughout his journey, the homeless man has walked Brownsville’s streets with a dog named Chulo by his side, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The man had been residing at the Good Neighbor Settlement House, but workers there were able to secure permanent housing for him. Sadly, pets were not allowed at the shelter where the man was going, so he pleaded for someone to help. Chulo stayed by his owner’s side every step of the way, and now the man feared the dog would wind up alone on the streets or end up dying.

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“What we’ve seen at the Good Neighbor is the relationship that [the homeless and pets] have is pretty special because they’re kind of all that they have,” said Community Engagement Manager Daniela Sosa. “Before he found shelter, he would sleep on the streets, and he would tell us that he and Chulo would keep each other warm at night.”

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Once the man got into his new home, the Good Neighbor Settlement House workers took to Facebook to try to find Chulo a home, too. Within a few days, they succeeded, and Chulo found his forever home as well. We love a happy ending and hope that the man realizes his precious pup will be well cared for by a loving family.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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