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She Says Goodbye To 19 Year Old Dog And Then Something Happens

In 2002, Mya Davis met a little dog named Simba. She and her mother went to a local shelter and immediately fell in love with the animal. Now, 19 years later, Mya had to say goodbye to her beloved dog, writes valuablestories

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When Mya met Simba, he was standing in his cage, begging to be adopted. “I immediately knew he was the only one. We had an instant connection to each other. I knew this puppy would be my best childhood friend.”, Mya said.

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The woman explains that dog has a special way with people… He is charming and loving! As Mya grew older, Simba was always on her side.


“Simba means the absolute world to me and it breaks my heart to see him go through this. I do not know what I did to deserve such a loving and caring creature,” said the woman.

The vet offered to put Simba to sleep. However, Mya wants him to die at home, among his family, friends and everything he knows.

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Simba’s story touched many Twitter users

Many animal lovers sympathized with Mya and left their messages of hope, love and understanding.

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Stay strong Mya…

Share this emotional story with your friends and family!

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Source: valuablestories.com

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