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Street Dog Finds His Dream Home In A Pharmacy And Now Happily Serves Customers

A company is committed to taking care of a homeless dog and with this gesture changed his life forever. As we all know, adoption is a matter of humanity and goes beyond any economic situation. For pets – although they imply a responsibility – aren’t an impossible burden to bear, writes valuablestories

So he’s happy to see the initiative not only of individuals but of companies that dare to provide a roof for the neediest animals in need.

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Just like this dog who deserved to have a home.

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Undoubtedly, for an animal that has experienced the worst for years, adoption is the best option, but on several occasions, it’s a matter of luck. With millions of dogs roaming the streets in different parts of the world, it’s not so easy for these creatures to find a real home.

But this dog named Alfredo belongs to the lucky ones who already have a family.

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The dog was rescued by workers at the Cuida Bem Farma pharmacy, located in Macapá, in the state of Amapá, northeastern Brazil. Alfredo used to roam the streets near the establishment in search of food, water, and some affection.

At the pharmacy, they always received because they are a pet-friendly place.

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In this place, there is a special area for customers’ pets and this seemed very attractive to the puppy, as he always found friends to play with and people were very nice to him.

So the dog started visiting them quite often, until the day someone was touched by him.

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For the little street, that free food and drink was the big draw of the pharmacy.

According to Letícia Brito, the company’s graphic designer, with his charisma the dog won over customers and employees alike. Until the moment the group decided to adopt him and thus give him a real family.

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“Alfredo came to the pharmacy one day and we saw him more often. He spent the day there, until one day our boss saw him and we encouraged him to adopt the puppy,” said Leticia.

The pharmacy manager also thought it would be a good way to positively impact not only the dog’s life but also that of his customers and other business owners.

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The intention was that with Alfredo’s story, other people would realize that adopting is always the best option, even if you have a store or company.

The puppy knew how to win over even the boss, and they literally “hired” him to be the cuddler of the place.

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This dog isn’t the pharmacy’s mascot just by word of mouth, but by his title and an identification tag hanging around his neck. Alfredo also has a scarf that distinguishes him from the Cuida Bem Farma family.

This is the most spoiled employee there is.

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After his selfless act, everyone at the pharmacy is committed to the animal cause and has formed an alliance with the organization Protective Angels to promote adoption fairs.

The pharmacy and the organization have joined forces and have already held the first event.

“We would really like other companies to take care of animals here in Macapá. Because it is a difficult job just for the NGOs. The dogs suffer a lot here, there are many abandoned animals. We want everyone to do a little bit, to at least let them sleep at the door of the place or something like that,” said Letícia.

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Just like this puppy, there are other dogs adopted by workers, and no doubt this is the kind of businessman and people the world needs.

Cuida Bem Farma has demonstrated its commitment not only to the health of its customers, but also to animal welfare, and we hope that your determination to promote this type of activity will truly lead to awareness.

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Certainly, NGOs cannot do everything by themselves, but together each one can contribute its part, and responsible adoption is a great way to collaborate.

Source: valuablestories.com

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