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Stray dog gets into stranger’s car and falls asleep

When the time comes to change someone’s life, we don’t know how or when it will happen. It may even happen at the least expected moment. This is what happened to Rodrigo Coelho, a man who without thinking made a tender reunion possible, writes valuablestories

Recently Rabbit and his wife went to the pharmacy, once they bought the medicines they need, they came out with more than they expected. Rabbit’s Comments:

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“I had just left a pharmacy and was in the parking lot. My wife opened the door to get into the car and this dog appeared as if he knew us”.

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He is an adorable little puppy who didn’t miss the opportunity to get in the car and rest a bit while the couple arrived.

The cub’s physical appearance was not so unfortunate. However, it was evident that it had wandered from one place to another.

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The puppy was sleeping soundly, it was evident that he was very tired.

His paws were very dirty and his nails were worn down. He may have walked a long way before he found the couple. It also had a strong smell, as if it had been searching through the garbage for a long time, perhaps looking for something to feed on.

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He didn’t have a necklace or badge that would allow him to locate his relatives.

Although the couple was surprised by the puppy’s sudden appearance in the car, they couldn’t leave him, much less after seeing him resting so comfortably.

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“He settled down on the floor of the car and fell asleep. He seemed relieved to find a safe place to rest.”

Ready to help this beautiful fur ball, the couple returned home while the puppy continued to sleep peacefully.

When the puppy arrived, he wasted no time and got out of the car to an even more comfortable and padded place to continue sleeping, the sofa was the best option.

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When he woke up, he quickly made friends with the rest of the dogs in the house.

Coelho is a dog lover, so he has other furry ones at home that have watched the new member with great curiosity.

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Fortunately, when he woke up, the puppy showed his happy side and got along very well with the other animals.

“My dogs were scared because the new puppy is very playful, but there were no fights. Soon, I was familiar with the environment and my other dogs accepted him”.

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Coelho decided to make a compilation of pictures of the puppy and post them on the networks. It didn’t take long for it to go viral and people from all over wrote to them commenting that they had also seen the puppy walking around the neighborhood.

Thanks to the publication, Coelho learned that the puppy belonged to someone. So he organized a meeting to return him to his royal family.

The dog’s name is Thor, and his family lives 13 kilometers from where he was found.

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The mischievous puppy was happy to find his real family after suffering a lot. Fortunately, he found the right place to rest and was returned to his place.

They say that you always go back to the place where you were happy, and Thor went back to his family. Doing little things for the furry ones can change their lives. Share this story and be a bridge to smiles.

Source: valuablestories.com

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