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Starving dog approaches men on boat begging for help

When David Foster made a trip to the Amazon, he was excited to explore the jungles and some beaches off the coast. However, the man never thought he would save a life during the process. In fact, he ended up rescuing a little dog named Negrita, writes valuablestories

“We were sailing and decided to stop at a beautiful beach,” Foster said. “In the distance, I saw a dog.”

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The island was practically deserted


There were only a few people who had arrived on another boat. So Foster called the dog over. “She came running toward dme,” Foster said. “And that’s when I realized how bad she was.”

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The beautiful girl was covered in fleas and ticks. In addition, her ears were open and bloody. She was so thin, that Foster noticed vultures circling the skies near her.

“It looked like someone had beaten her,” Foster said. “She was so close to death. She was wagging her tail and crying at the same time.”

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“I knew that if we pulled up our anchor and left, it would mean her certain death,” Foster said. The man gave her some food and took her on his boat. Although she was very thin and scared, she looked relieved.

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Negrita and her saviors sailed to the nearest town to look for a vet. She was treated for her fleas, ticks and wounds. Fortunately, she was not suffering from any broken bones or any muscle trauma.

Though Negrita was still weak, her sweet, gentle personality shone brighter and brighter. After four days taking care of her, Foster decided he would take the little dog home to the UK.

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The man works for PlayforStrays, an institution that distributes toys for abandoned animals around the world. He had already traveled to Brazil for this purpose and knew that they could help him now.

Facebook – PlayforStraysHe came in contact with a woman, named Tamis, who agreed to help Negrita. Hundreds of people began sending donations for Negrita’s care and her eventual plane ticket home..

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“Negritawas so special, and I think everyone recognized it. They fully rallied around us,” Foster said.

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Knowing that Negrita was safe in her temporary home, Foster returned to Northern Ireland. The man expected to be with her in a few weeks. However, there were some complications. “What was a few weeks turned into five months,” Foster said. “She needed several medical tests, both to leave Brazil and to enter the United Kingdom.”

After many months of waiting, Negrita returned to see her savior at the end of March. After several long flights, she met with Foster. Since then, the dog has settled wonderfully as a member of the family.

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“She loves her toys,” Foster said. “She has a teddy bear that I sent her at Christmas time, which is like her baby. She carries it gently and looks after it very well.”

Negrita is learning new things every day and made an incredible transformation.

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Facebook – PlayforStraysFortunately, Negrita ended up in the right hands and is very happy, next to her loving family. Share this incredible transformation with your friends and family!

Source: valuablestories.com

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