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Puppies Are Found Abandoned In The Forest And They Are So Scared

A small group of puppies was found alone in the woods, knocking on death’s door. Somehow these innocent puppies who belonged with their mother in a safe place had ended up isolated in the middle of nowhere– without food, water, or shelter, writes valuablestories

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Their tiny bodies were covered from head to toe with fleas and ticks. Their beginning of life was cruel and unfair. Everything changed as soon as they were found and rescued.

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After the rescue, this group was given food, water, and medical treatment they so desperately needed. They would no longer have to suffer, thanks to their rescuers! What started off as a life filled with heartache has now turned into a life filled with bliss. Especially when someone stepped forward and offered to take them into their home and foster them until they can be adopted.


Their special days are filled with everything they need and desire and, in addition – love of the foster mother and playing with their siblings.

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We are so happy that their foster mom can keep their small group whole, at least until they’re old enough to handle life on their own.

Young puppies often thrive when kept together for as long as possible. We can’t wait to see them grow up and thrive in their future forever homes.

Click on the video below to see their amazing rescue!

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Source: valuablestories.com

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