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Stray Harassed By An Unkind Person Now Showed Her Teeth To Everyone

Hope For Paws received an urgent text about a stray dog who took off to the L.A. River after being harassed by an unkind neighbor, writes ilovemydogsomuch

In this open area, she could run for miles. So rescuers would have to be careful. The dog had been wronged by humans and now showed her teeth to anyone and everyone. She wasn’t actually aggressive, she was just fearful.

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The poor girl was hungry enough to want food but still kept her guard up and wouldn’t let anyone touch her. It was getting dark, but thankfully some reinforcements were on the way to help Eldad! The women lifted a crate over the fence so it could be set up with a burger to try and capture the dog.


And it worked! And once inside, Lotus calmed down and quickly relaxed having a comfortable blanket. They got her back to the hospital where they discovered she was sick with Thrombocytopenia. This could have been fatal, but they caught it just in time. But with the right medical care, she will go on to make a full recovery!

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Lotus is being fostered by The Big Red Dog until she’s healthy enough to be adopted. Here’s to her finding some humans who can show her what true love means.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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