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Dog Survives Being Shot, Collapses With Relief Into Rescuer’s Lap & Thanks Her

Kris Lenker and her wife were driving home from work when they saw something on the side of the road. As they got closer, they realized that it was a little dog in horrible shape, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She was severely emaciated with a crooked jaw and rotten teeth. But despite her condition, she was extremely sweet and grateful that the couple stopped to help her.

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At first she was very nervous and ran away, but the couple followed her. They found her hiding under a fence and scooped her up. Although she was timid, she wrapped her paws around Lenker and trusted her.


Once they got her in the car, her demeanor totally changed from a feeling of worry to that of relief. She immediately collapsed in Lenker’s lap, snuggled up to her and gave her kisses as if she were thanking her for saving her life.

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They decided to name her Reba, and brought her to get proper medical care.

At the vet, x-rays revealed that Reba had been shot a while ago. The bullet broke her jaw and got lodged in her neck. Her jaw healed wrong, which is why it is crooked.

Vets say the bullet was millimeters away from her trachea, which would have killed her, and every time they see her, they say they can’t believe she even survived.

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Thankfully, she is still able to eat and drink, so she is on wet food indefinitely and will require continued care. Lenker and her wife have fallen in love with her and decided to adopt her and be there for her every step of the way.

Fast forward a year and Reba has fully recovered and is doing great! She is loving life and is so thankful for her beautiful second chance at life, all thanks to her two moms!

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Lenker took to Facebook to share a tribute to Reba on her “gotcha day.”

“We were convinced then she was sent to us, and we are still just as convinced of that today!” she wrote. “She fills our lives with so much joy. She has come into her personality perfectly, and she is so full of antics. She gets to live her life the way it was intended to be. She has turned into such a diva, and loves all things unicorn. Watching her grow into the dog she is has been one of the greatest things we have ever done. We are so thankful for this crazy girl, and blessed God trusted us with her!”

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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