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Dog Gets His First Real Meal After Being Chained And Neglected For 7 Years

A poor, neglected dog named Odie had been chained up and ignored by his owner for seven years of his life, writes ilovemydogsomuch

His bony body told the sad story of how he’d been starved. But thankfully, Sidewalk Specials was able to deal with the dog’s uncooperative owner and take him in! The kibble they provided was most likely his first real meal in years, and he gobbled it right up.

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Odie was transported back to Cape Town and Vet Point for a checkup and care, and it was found that he had tick bite, sinusitis, and nine rotten teeth. Who on earth would ever want a pet with so many issues? A family with many dogs, horses, and chickens… that’s who!


Odie is now living the life he was always meant to live alongside many new friends and a loving family. He has the perfect forever home thanks to Sidewalk Specials and all of their supporters!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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