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Blind Kitten Sits In Parking Lot Every Day, Waiting For Someone To Guide Her

Hope For Paws received a call regarding a stray blind kitten who was in need of immediate medical attention, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When they arrived, they found the kitten sitting alone in a parking lot. Since she wasn’t able to see, rescuers were able to pick her right up.

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Since the kitten’s eyes were so bad, they rushed her to the vet and planned to go back for the rest of the kitten’s family.


They decided to name this sweet kitten Kenshi.

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Unfortunately, her eyes were ulcerated and ruptured from feline herpes and were unable to be saved. Kenshi then underwent a successful surgery to remove them.

Two days later, rescuers went back for her siblings. They brought her brothers, Raiden and Kung Lao, to the vet to be reunited with Kenshi. They were happy to see each other again and were very comforting toward her after her surgery.

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Raiden and Kung Lao are still looking for a forever home through www.kittybungalow.org.

Kenshi, now named Cherry, has since been adopted by a loving family who has another blind cat named Charlie.

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The two of them get along great and are already the best of friends! She even has two doggy siblings who help protect her.

Watch Cherry’s rescue and new life in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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