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Abused Pit Bulls Find New Purpose In Life When They Get To Foster Blind Kittens

Sherry Stewart, a volunteer at Delaware’s “Faithful Friends Animal Society”, rescued Pit Bulls Alfie and Frankie from a very bad case of neglect and animal cruelty, writes ilovemydogsomuch

It took months for Sherry to heal and rehabilitate the 2 broken dogs. But eventually, both the dogs overcame their traumatic pasts and blossomed into wonderful pets under Sherry’s care.

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Now, years later, 9-year-old Alfie and 4-year-old Frankie have become some of the most exemplary rescues by the shelter. After being officially adopted by Sherry, this pair started volunteering as caretakers for every hurt and suffering creature that their mom brought home as a foster. However, their love for 3 newly rescued blind kittens left us in tears.


Kittens Helen, Bruce and Willis were brought to the shelter in a critical state. The vets were forced to remove the kittens’ eyes to save their lives, leaving the trio completely blind. But when Sherry brought these down-on-luck kittens home, her 2 Pit Bulls instantly took a special liking to them!

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Alfie and Frankie have completely transformed the blind kittens with their affection and care. Sherry believes that her dogs understand what it’s like to be abused and discarded, and this gives them a unique perspective toward looking out for downtrodden creatures. Aww! We are so proud of this nurturing duo!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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