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A Large Cat Shows Up To The Shelter And Starts Talking

A large ginger cat showed up to the shelter one day after having spent six to seven years living alone on the streets, writes ilovemydogsomuch

His body was covered in scars from head to toe from fighting with other animals over the years, but that’s not why he was here…

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Clancy the homeless cat had a lot to say, so when he arrived to the shelter, he got to talking! Employees noticed right away that his little meows so closely resembled human speech. They took the cat in and brushed his teeth and started treatment for a bladder infection.


Clancy was very friendly and sociable for having spent his entire life on the streets fending for himself. And it wouldn’t be long until a woman named Sandy would show up and decide to adopt the cat! Clancy sure chose the right place to tell his story, and now he has someone to talk to for the rest of his days!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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