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Senior Dog Looking For His Owner, Has No Idea He Has Been Dumped For Being Too Old!

After spending 16 years with his family. His soulless owner handed him over to a vet to be euthanized, writes zenoonee

Chicago, a sixteen-year-old Chihuahua thought he had an ideal life after making sure the owner really loved him.

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But he had no idea that the owner would hand him over to the shelter after he was no longer a healthy and cheerful puppy!


The owner brought a Chicago vet and asked him to to place him down! Unfortunately, Chicago had no idea he was abandoned and constantly expected his owner to come back for him overnight.

When the vet saw betrayal and injury in Chicago’s eyes, he couldn’t euthanize him and decided to offer him a new chance in life!

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Fortunately, he was taken by Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue who also placed him in the care of Anastasia Alworth, the foster parent. She said dogs should be treated royally during this age because it is often their age of life.

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Source: zenoonee.com

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